ghaffap August 12, 2023By Ghaffap_Admin GhaFFaP highlighting innovative grass charcoal fuels opportunity in Ghana
ghaffap August 1, 2023By Ghaffap_Admin Access to water opens new possibilities for women in northern Ghana
ghaffap July 3, 2023By Ghaffap_Admin Ghana Federation of Forest and Farm Producers (GhaFFaP) Job Vacancies
ghaffap June 22, 2023By Ghaffap_Admin International Widows Day. A call to end discrimination among widows
ghaffap June 19, 2023By Ghaffap_Admin GhaFFaP Marks World Day to Combat Desertification on “Her Land. Her Rights” Theme
ghaffap May 26, 2023By Ghaffap_Admin Ghana Federation of Forest & Farm Producers elects new National Executives