GhaFFaP Marks World Day to Combat Desertification on “Her Land. Her Rights” Theme

The Ghana Federation of Forest & Farm Producers (GhaFFaP) on Saturday 17June,2023 has made a passionate appeal to all Forest & Farm Producer Organizations especially women-dominated (FFPOs), Governments, Environmental Stakeholders, Academia, Research Institutions, Customary Landowners, Development Partners, Private Sector players, the Media and the general Public to give the issue of

Desertification and Drought the needed attention it deserves.

A statement issued in Bolgatanga ,savanna ecological zone(Ghana) on behalf of GhaFFaP by the GhaFFaP Women’s Champions Wing Lead and the Executive Director for Maaltaaba Peasant Women Farmers’ Cooperative and also a member of WeCan.

According to GhaFFaP, Desertification and Drought is a global environmental challenge that continues to pose a greater threat to the survival of many households especially in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA),

Globally, Rural women farmers face significant barriers in securing land rights, limiting their ability to thrive and prosper. And when land becomes degraded and water is scarce for a long period of time, more women are often the worst affected in terms of agricultural productivity and livelihood options.

Again, the Rural Women farmers, who constitute nearly half of the world’s agricultural labor force, hold a vital stake in the health and integrity of the land, yet they often don’t have control over it.

Land continues to be the most critical economic and environmental resource for most rural women farmer, especially who depend on subsistence agriculture for their daily livelihoods. However, one third of the world’s agricultural lands is affected by human-induced degradation. When land becomes degraded or loses its fertility and water is scarce for a considerable period, women, who are less likely to own or control land than men, are often the worst affected and left them more vulnerable to extreme poverty and hunger.

GhaFFaP believes that investing in women’s equal access to land is a direct investment in securing their future livelihoods and the future of humanity. Since we All cannot fight the Desertification and Drought without the inclusion of women and youth.

GhaFFaP shall continue to pursue gender-centered global land restoration and drought resilience initiatives by deliberately putting women and youth at the forefront,

GhaFFaP has in place many initiatives and strategies aimed at advancing the policies and legislation for women’s meaningful participation in decision-making processes related to land at grassroots, zonal and national levels, to transform land administration systems and access to justice to make them gender responsive and also turning climate change challenges within the savanna ecological zone into an integrated landscape production opportunities.

This year’s Desertification and Drought Day, marked on 17 June, is putting the global spotlight on women’s land rights. The global observance event, titled “Her Land. Her Rights: Advancing Gender Equality and Land Restoration Goals

GhaFFaP is fully committed to supporting Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs) especially women-dominated FFPOs in advancing women’s equal access to land and tenure security, with the strong partnerships across governments, farmer associations, other civil society Groups, academia, Research institutions and the private sectors. 

We at GhaFFaP say join us to celebrate the 2023 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought and to contribute to advancing gender equality and land restoration goals to build a better and resilient future!

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