Ghana Federation of Forest and Farm (GhaFFaP) Business Incubation Training 20-06-24

Business Incubation training organized by Ghaffap on Thursday 20th June 2024 in Kumasi gathered Forest and Farm Producers (FFPos) from the three ecological zones of Ghana: The Savannah, Transition and Forest zones.

The objective the of training was to increase the survival rate and success potential of FFPos by offering a nurturing business ideas through a comprehensive business support programme , help them establish and accelerate their growth and success and also look at the importance of business incubation. These include mentorship, access to finance, access to market, technological resources, networking opportunities, and trainings.

GhaFFaP’s Business Incubation Strategy which is one of his key pillar of the Agenda 2030 is designed to create a cohesive and supportive ecosystem for startups across the nation. By leveraging both national and regional strengths, GhaFFaP ensures that startups receive consistent, high-quality support regardless of their location. The strategy includes National Business Incubation Team and Zonal Business Incubation Team.

 By providing tailored, high-quality support at multiple levels, GhaFFaP is helping to create a vibrant and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem that can drive economic growth and development across the country. As GhaFFaP continues to implement and refine this strategy, the impact on the startup community will only grow, paving the way for a new generation of successful businesses and visionary leaders.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) is supporting the Federation through its Forest and Farm Facility Programme.

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